In an unexpected plot twist, Blanco and the circus meet up with a 'journalist' in the middle of nowhere - probably somewhere in the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, as they all travel south following the denouement of Last Circus. Assaph Mehr's excellent interview blog, dedicated to the protagonists of many, many novels, has published the story of this encounter. And for readers of The Last Circus on Earth wanting to see the real star of the book, Daisy, here she is.
Never been to a writers' festival? Wondering what a writer even looks like? Come to BWF and see us in action! You may be surprised to find that in this modern era, writers now use "computers", and often just input a few general instructions before the "computer program" writes the entire book. That said, there's still a lot of preliminary thought put into those keystrokes! Once the idea takes hold of the writer's imagination, the average novel can take several weeks to write. For some this is a pleasant time... For others it can be a time of considerable struggle. Writers can even suffer from a condition called 'writer's block', which requires immense patience and sympathy for those around them because writers are often selfish bastards who could be doing something useful with their lives, and pretending this isn't the case takes its toll on loved-ones. ![]() It's generally thought that children's writers have the easiest time of it... ...while writers of larger books are necessarily required not only to write a great many more words, but avoid repeating them too often. This can be a challenge. Writers frequently use alcohol or amphetamines, medically prescribed, to assist. Others like to relax to allow the percolation of thoughts to arise naturally, like bubbles in a bath, to the surface of the mind, where they can be transferred to the written page. (*NB, this is known as a 'simile' which is a writer's term for taking the scenic route to the point they're trying to make.) But, however the magic is done, writers are amazing, and the Bellingen Writers' Festival celebrates that magic in sessions which will pit writer against writer, in a winner-takes-all tournament, with you in the ring-side seat as they try and out-clever each other! Come along, heckle, pelt us with produce! Bring the kids and family pets! Nothing like children crying or barking dogs to ramp up the tension while we try to think! See you there! |
Reviews & stuff
July 2022